My book on show in the Combined Book Exhibit at the International Book Fair in Guadalajara, Mexico.
Blades of Grass has been posted as an Indie "premier title" on Baker & Taylor's Emerging Voices Microsite
My book on show in the Combined Book Exhibit at the Frankfurt Book Fair in Germany.
My book on show in the Combined Book Exhibit at the Beijing International Book Fair.
An online radio interview with Dave Hodgson on the Internet talk radio network Talk Radio Europe which can be heard here.
My book on show in the Combined Book Exhibit at New York's Book Expo.
Following my book signing event at St George’s School, Harpenden, I visited Aylwin’s alma mater Wadham College, Oxford and also had the honour and pleasure to pass my uncle’s letters and other documents into the safekeeping of The Bodleian Library for posterity and wider availability to scholars and researchers. The archive will be held in the Bodleian’s Weston Library’s Special Collections.
A book launch and signing event was organised in the chapel at my uncle's old school, St George's, Harpenden.
An online radio interview with Rick Bell on the Internet talk radio network TogiNet Radio which can be heard here.
An online radio interview with Stu Taylor on Money Matters Radio, Boston, which can be heard here.
My book on show in the Combined Book Exhibit at the Book Fair at Olympia.
As an indication to the wider world on how my uncle George Aylwin Hogg is still regarded today in China, he was mentioned by President Xi Jinping in his speech at the state banquet at Buckingham Palace in October 2015 where he was referred to as Ho-Ke, Hogg’s name in Chinese, 2 minutes 55 seconds into the video. Listen to speech on YouTube: